
NEOKUL :Goa Batch 1 Introduction
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
NEOKUL Program.

This is an introductory program to Mashauri for NEOKUL students.

What is NEOKUL? Let us give you a taste from their introduction to potential students:

"At Neokul, you will be just as inspired by the person sitting next to you as the person speaking to you. You will be joining a tribe of extraordinary individuals. And the best part is it’s not just attending one program. It’s joining a community of brilliant people who meet regularly and support each other in their journey to make an impact on the world."

Wits Innovation Forge Pilot
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
The Wits Innovation Forge Pilot program is the inaugural program of the Wits Innovation Centre's virtual incubator for early-stage founders. It is based on the Mashauri Problem Solution Incubator - see details below.

Entry is for Wits students or faculty and is by invitation only and anyone who has an interest in joining should contact Nic Cloete-Hopkins at

Problem Solution Validation Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
Mashauri's Problem-Solution Validator Incubator solves the problem that most entrepreneurs start with a venture idea or solution before they have understood the problem they are trying to solve and who faces it. This leads to likely venture failure or an extended venture development process further down the line.

Centria Startup Pro
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Centria University of Applied Technology is part of an EIT consortium: DEETECHTIVE. Within this project, they will incubate a number of student businesses to guide them from ideation through to a tested business model.

The program's objective is to support founders in advancing their venture development. It includes a comprehensive curriculum with lectures on essential entrepreneurial tasks, real-world case studies, entrepreneurial narratives, interactive quizzes, and assignments like creating a business model canvas. The program culminates in a live or virtual pitch to potential investors.

The hands-on training component involves targeted activities to train, demonstrate, and support entrepreneurs in specific steps of their venture development, guided by mentors. This training aims not to make entrepreneurs experts but to provide them with just-in-time information and tools for rapid venture progression. The program is grounded in a set of entrepreneurial competencies, ensuring the development of these skills in students. Performance is evaluated through various methods, including a before-and-after self-assessment.

The course outline is shown schematically below:


AI Venture Hack
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Artificial intelligence is not only facilitating our ability to create new ventures; it can also be a technology that underpins a new business. Mashauri has developed a program aimed at helping University students seize this opportunity and commence on an exciting journey to develop their own AI-based business venture while learning about the scientific approach to venture creation.

This is a 12-week virtual incubator program. Universities from all over the world will be offered the chance to participate and so their students will interact with peers from many other Universities. A high-level curriculum is shown below.

Link to webpage offering more detail and pricing

Are you a University and would like to learn more (including receiving a priced proposal)?
Click here

Are you a University student and would like to know more?
Click here

Key features of this program will be:

  • An exceptionally low cost per student price to the Universities with the scaleability to reach hundreds of students
  • A low resource requirement from the institution to launch and participate
  • Students will receive extremely engaging and high-quality, entrepreneurial education.
  • Students will initiate an AI-based venture while participating in the program
  • Participating Universities will be able to use these student numbers and venture launches as part of their KPIs

The process will be as follows:

  • Universities express an interest and we will supply you with further details and a proposal.
  • On reaching an agreement, the University will receive a launch pack including customisable marketing material and the enrolment process.
  • Universities market the program to selected students who then register directly on the program
  • Universities will be kept informed of their own student registrations as they occur
  • Universities will receive a weekly report updating them on student progress and leaderboard position vis vis other participants

Outline curriculum

Note: This draft curriculum will be refined as we co-create with other experts in the field and stay up to date with the latest available tools.

Module 1: The Scientific Approach to Launching a Business

  • Lean methodology: Emphasizing efficiency and iteration in business development.
  • Business model exploration: Understanding different frameworks to structure and validate your business idea.
  • Problem and customer focus: Identifying target customers and their pain points to drive product development.

Module 2: The Basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Introduction to AI: A beginner-friendly overview of what AI is and its applications.
  • AI concepts: Exploring key concepts like machine learning, neural networks, and algorithms.
  • AI's impact: Discussing how AI is transforming industries and creating new opportunities.

Module 3: No Code and Low Code AI Tools

  • No code tools: Exploring platforms that allow building AI solutions without programming.
  • Low code platforms: Understanding tools that streamline AI development with minimal coding.
  • Practical applications: Examples of projects where no code/low code AI tools can be applied.

Module 4: Defining the Problem You Wish to Solve

  • Crafting a problem statement: Formulating a clear and concise description of the issue you're addressing.
  • Customer identification: Identifying your target audience and their needs.
  • Problem intensity and early adopters: Evaluating the urgency of the problem and finding early supporters.

Module 5: Problem Validation and Customer Discovery

  • Customer discovery process: Learning techniques to gather insights directly from potential customers.
  • Market research: Understanding the competitive landscape and market demand.
  • Iterative feedback: Incorporating customer feedback to refine your problem-solution fit.

Module 6: Build, Brand, and Test an AI-Based Prototype

  • Prototype development: Creating a working model of your AI solution.
  • Branding and design: Enhancing the user experience and visual appeal of your prototype.
  • Testing and iteration: Gathering user feedback and refining the prototype based on results.

Module 7: Business Model Development

  • Business model overview: Introducing the concept of the Business Model Canvas.
  • Key components: Exploring the nine building blocks of the Business Model Canvas.
  • Value proposition: Understanding how your product or service addresses customer needs and stands out in the market.

Module 8: Pitching the Venture

  • Pitch essentials: Learning how to effectively communicate your business idea to potential stakeholders.
  • Presentation skills: Enhancing your ability to convey your vision confidently and persuasively.
  • Investor perspective: Understanding what investors look for in a compelling business pitch.

Mashauri Virtual Incubator Modus Operandi

Mashauri has been running its virtual incubators for almost a decade and has refined the model to achieve high engagement and completion rates. Key features are:

  • Education content is varied and engaging and includes interactivity such as quizzes
  • Gamification is built in to further stimulate interest and excitement
  • Student progress is tracked via traditional methods, and algorithms and supported by AI. Students at risk or contacted and encouraged individually.
  • Student efforts are roughly split 60:40 in terms of venture-building activities : entrepreneurial education
  • The program is interspersed with opportunities to network with fellow students through webinars and other peerr-to-peer activities
  • Our incubators are underpinned by MECFrame, our proprietary entrepreneurial competency framework
  • More than 2,000 students have passed through our programs in the last 5 years who proclaim the benefits, outcomes and enjoyment of our courses.
  • Although students are able to work independently through the program, the "sweet spot" is where the institution stays involves in the program and the student progress.

Ecoverse Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Discover the future of entrepreneurship: a lean and scientific approach

The University of Venda is hosting the Ecoverse Incubator: "where ideas and ventures take flight" 


Over the past decade, revolutionary and evidence-based methods for launching a business have emerged. Yet, many budding entrepreneurs, particularly among university students, remain in the dark about these low-risk pathways. They often set out on ventures that are riddled with pitfalls and potential failures. But here's the silver lining: it's never too late to pivot and embrace these cutting-edge strategies, significantly boosting your chances of success.

Introducing the University of Venda's Ecoverse Incubator program tailored for the ambitious student entrepreneur, whether you've already taken the plunge or are just kindling the flames of a fresh idea. Dive in, elevate your venture, and let's redefine the entrepreneurial journey together!


Students will dive into a hands-on learning experience, covering vital entrepreneurial insights and directly applying them to hone their business ideas:

  • Problem-Centric Thinking: Pivot from solutions to understanding the core problem.
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Grasp how entrepreneurial efforts can address societal challenges.
  • Lean Startup Methodology: Streamline your venture's inception process.
  • Embracing Failure: Comprehend failure's nature and how to harness it constructively.
  • Crafting a Problem Vision Statement: Define and articulate your mission.
  • Design Thinking: Employ a user-centric approach to ideation and solution crafting.
  • Customer Profiling: Identify your target audience, understand their needs, and strategise solutions.
  • The Comprehensive Framework: Seamlessly integrate problem, solution, customer, and transformation.
  • Pitch Mastery: Articulate your idea persuasively and compellingly.

Embark on a transformative journey to refine, develop, and pitch your entrepreneurial vision!

Modus operandi

Dive Deep into Our Online Learning Experience on the Mashauri Platform

  • Program Duration: Mark your calendars! The journey begins on 4th September and culminates on 13th October, 2023
  • Flexibility at Its Best: Being fully online, you have the liberty to engage with the content at your convenience. However, following our recommended schedule optimizes your chances for a successful completion.
  • Commitment Estimation: Allocate 4 to 5 hours weekly. This includes engaging with videos, articles, quizzes, and tackling assignments.
  • Self-Evaluation and Mentorship: While we guide you to appraise your work independently, a seasoned mentor is just a click away, ready to offer support when needed.

Embark on a structured yet flexible learning experience designed for your success!

Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg Technology Transfer Office continues to support their top entrepreneurs with their latest program: UZIMA!

UZIMA: Swahili for "life"!

This program is designed to help a cohort of ventures move from early business model to being ready for funding and/or having paying customers.

It is very practically focussed and includes areas such as:

  • Company and domain registration
  • Power networking
  • Funding and finance
  • Social media and advertising
  • Banking
  • Negotiation
  • Co-founders, equity sharing and cap tables

There will be a range of real entrepreneurs and subject matter experts giving 'fireside chats" and all entrepreneurs will be mentored by an individual mentor.

This program is by invitation only.

For further information, contact with UZIMA in the subject matter.

UJ TTO Starting Up
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

University of Johannesburg Technology Transfer Office provide a virtual mini incubator that will help you develop and refine your “problem-to-solve”. This is one of the most critical steps in starting a business. Doing this well will greatly increase your chances of successfully starting a business.

UJ TTO FastForward 2021
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg's Technology Transfer Office support innovators in the commercial implementation of novel technologies or business processes. One of their important initiatives is an Incubation and Acceleration program for both students and staff of the University who are engaged in innovation.

They support the incubatees in a number of ways - one of which is to offer them best practice tools and training in the key stages of venture development. This program: Fast-Forward is for the venture team who have demonstrated some evidence of a demand with perhaps some early traction. The founders are looking to confirm their value proposition, define a business model and test the key elements of such

This program provides education, tools, examples and development support for a number of critical steps in the venture development process.

SMU Stage 1Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) have launched a 3 stage entrepreneurial development program to support students and faculty in launching a new business venture.

Stage 1: entrepreneur basics and idea pitching.

A 3 week "mini-incubator" competition where students receive some foundational entrepreneurial education and with the use of tools, are guided through developing their competition entry that culminates in a pitching competition. 

All applicants receive some exposure to entrepreneurship and the top 30 (based on idea, engagement and pitch) are selected to enter stage 2.

Stage 2: entrepreneurial immersion bootcamp

This activity-based process takes students through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas.  The core of the program is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and culminating in a pitch event.

The top 20 are selected to enter the virtual incubator.

Stage 3: 8 week virtual incubator

This is a virtual incubator that supports cohorts of students (individuals or groups) in designing and building new business ventures. Learning content and competency development are synchronised with project management and mentor support. Online  independent activity is boosted by network events such as webinars, peer-to-peer group and mentor support.

Applications closed. Program underway.

SMU Stage 2: Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) have launched a 3 stage entrepreneurial development program to support students and faculty in launching a new business venture.

Stage 1: entrepreneur basics and idea pitching.
A 3 week "mini-incubator" competition where students receive some foundational entrepreneurial education and with the use of tools, are guided through developing their competition entry that culminates in a pitching competition.

All applicants receive some exposure to entrepreneurship and the top 30 (based on idea, engagement and pitch) are selected to enter stage 2.

Stage 2: entrepreneurial immersion bootcamp
This activity-based process takes students through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas. The core of the program is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and culminating in a pitch event.

The top 20 are selected to enter the virtual incubator.

Stage 3: 8 week virtual incubator
This is a virtual incubator that supports cohorts of students (individuals or groups) in designing and building new business ventures. Learning content and competency development are synchronised with project management and mentor support. Online independent activity is boosted by network events such as webinars, peer-to-peer group and mentor support.

Applications closed. Program underway.

SMU Stage 3 Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) have launched a 3 stage entrepreneurial development program to support students and faculty in launching a new business venture.

Stage 1: entrepreneur basics and idea pitching.

A 3 week "mini-incubator" competition where students receive some foundational entrepreneurial education and with the use of tools, are guided through developing their competition entry that culminates in a pitching competition. 

All applicants receive some exposure to entrepreneurship and the top 30 (based on idea, engagement and pitch) are selected to enter stage 2.

Stage 2: entrepreneurial immersion bootcamp

This activity-based process takes students through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas.  The core of the program is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and culminating in a pitch event.

The top 20 are selected to enter the virtual incubator.

Stage 3: 8 week virtual incubator

This is a virtual incubator that supports cohorts of students (individuals or groups) in designing and building new business ventures. Learning content and competency development are synchronised with project management and mentor support. Online  independent activity is boosted by network events such as webinars, peer-to-peer group and mentor support.

Applications closed. Program underway.

UWC Startup Sprint 2021
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The UWC Startup Sprint is a virtual incubator aimed at helping student entrepreneurs take an already-developed idea and bring it to life.

The entrepreneurs will work through a proven scientific startup process and supported with tools, webinars, mentors, templates and dashboards as they accelerate their idea towards paying customers.

Applications are now closed and selection is underway.

CEU San Pablo Winter School
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Is this course for you?

Many people think about starting their own business and even have an idea they have been considering - but just never get around to starting it. 

Are you one of those people? Or would you like to join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs who create value by bringing their idea to life?

If you would like to be in the latter group and you wish to bring your idea to life, then this course is for you.

Objectives of programme

  • To expose you to entrepreneurship 
  • To assist in refining your business idea to increase your probability of success
  • To help you clearly define the problem you are solving
  • To guide you in clarity around your target market
  • To help you construct a clear value proposition


Entrepreneur mindset

    • Understanding what is entrepreneurship
    • The benefits and risks of entrepreneurship
    • Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
    • A questionnaire-based assessment of your entrepreneurial competencies
    • Introduction to The Golden Circle
Idea development

    • Idea clarification
    • The problem you are solving
    • Development of the problem vision statement
    • Target market and personas
    • Initial competitor analysis
    • Value proposition development
    • Value proposition testing
    • Value proposition pitch development

Modus operandi

Each exercise will be preceded by an introduction to the concept in the form of an online lesson. The practical exercises will be posed by way of an assignment to complete. All assignments will be supported  by templates to allow you to efficiently conduct the exercise.

A question and answer forum will be provided that will allow you to ask questions of your colleagues and/or the professor running the course.

Timing and duration

The programme will run from 22nd January to 29th January and will be hosted on online (on Mashauri: an international entrepreneurial education platform). It is anticipated that you will require 20 hours to complete the course: 5 of which will be in the form of instruction and the balance in practical exercises in developing and refining your idea.

As this is an online programme, you will be able to complete it at your own pace although you must finish all the work by the deadline. There will be a suggested schedule and you will be reminded if you fall behind that schedule.

Support and evaluation

You will be evaluated on the basis of correct submission of all the assignments as well as a final quiz (which will be repeatable if you do not at first receive a passing grade.


The student needs no prior knowledge of entrepreneurship but must have a business idea that they wish to investigate. They will need to have a basic understanding of Google tools (sheets, docs and slides) and a Google account (which is free and quick to set up).

Access to the internet and a laptop or desktop computer will be necessary to complete the assignments.

Course instructor

The instructor will be Professor Simon Gifford who is CEO of Mashauri. He is an entrepreneur who has founded a number of companies (including Mashauri) and acts as an advisor to a number of startups and scale-ups. , He currently also lectures at IE Business School in Madrid and has a rich background of giving strategy support to large companies all around the globe..


Mashauri is a UK based organisation that provides an entrepreneurial education platform to universities and other institutions in Europe, Africa and India. The platform uses best practice from modern entrepreneurial thinking (such as lean startup) as well as advanced digital teaching methodologies including gamification and flipped-classroom techniques.

The organisation has a vision that all university graduates should be offered the opportunity to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. More details of this is given n the "what we do" and "why we do it"  sections at the top of this page.


The course is free to all users.

Food Scientist Venture Accelerator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The Food Science Venture Accelerator has been designed to support students who graduated from the EIT Food GFVP Summer School in June 2019 and wished to continue developing a business idea. The programme design is based on what the students said they wanted in a survey following the event. Only those students who completed the survey will be enrolled on this programme.

It is aimed at supporting both those who wished to continue with the idea they started in the School and those who wished to pursue a new idea. It is anticipated that this programme will act as a bridge between the ending of the School and a number of other activities that EIT Food are launching including a mentoring programme and the Lausanne workshop. Furthermore, this will be useful to those students who are not selected by EIT Food to partake in these events but still wish to pursue an entrepreneurial idea.

The COVID-19 Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

This virtual incubator has been designed for the winners of the Mashauri COVID-19 Idea Competition to develop their ideas further and to begin to further test and build out their ventures.

UJ: Switch-on program
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg's Technology Transfer Office support innovators in the commercial implementation of novel technologies or business processes. One of their important initiatives is an Incubation and Acceleration program for both students and staff of the University who are engaged in innovation.

They support the incubatees in a number of ways - one of which is to offer them best practice tools and training in the key stages of venture development. This program: Switch-On is the venture team that is still refining their ideas, getting to grips with the problems they are solving and getting to an understanding of their potential customer base.

This program provides education, tools, examples and development support for a number of critical steps in the venture development process. The program will continually be refined and updated, but the initial modules are detailed in the table below:

The program is open to all registered in the incubator program and other student startups approved by the UJ Technology Transfer Office.

For more information on access to the program contact:

Simon Gifford (Mashauri) at; or

Vuyisile Phehane (UJ TTO), at

UJ: Fast Forward Program
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg's Technology Transfer Office support innovators in the commercial implementation of novel technologies or business processes. One of their important initiatives is an Incubation and Acceleration program for both students and staff of the University who are engaged in innovation.

They support the incubatees in a number of ways - one of which is to offer them best practice tools and training in the key stages of venture development. This program: Fast-Forward is for the venture team who have demonstrated some evidence of a demand with perhaps some early traction. The founders are looking to confirm their value proposition, define a business model and test the key elements of such

This program provides education, tools, examples and development support for a number of critical steps in the venture development process. The program will continually be refined and updated, but the initial modules are detailed in the table below:

The program is open to all registered in the incubator program. 

For more information on access to the program contact:

Simon Gifford (Mashauri) at; or

Vuyisile Phehane (UJ TTO) at

USSAVI Main Incubator 2024
USSAVI Programs (click for more)

The United States – South Africa Virtual Incubator (USSAVI) is an entrepreneurship development program that was initiated through a diverse network of influential organizations and advisors. The project is supported by the United States Embassy in South Africa, is part of the United States-South Africa Higher Education Network, is based at Guilford College, and is being developed in partnership with Mashauri.

Further details of the program may be found at

USSAVI 2024 Mini Incubator Program
USSAVI Programs (click for more)
The United States – South Africa Virtual Incubator (USSAVI) is an entrepreneurship development program that was initiated through a diverse network of influential organizations and advisors. The project is supported by the United States Embassy in South Africa, is part of the United States-South Africa Higher Education Network, is based at Guilford College, and is being developed in partnership with Mashauri.

Further details of the program may be found at

USSAVI 2022 Main Incubator
USSAVI Programs (click for more)

USSAVI is a virtual entrepreneurship incubator where students work in multi-university teams from South Africa in partnership with universities in the the United States to develop high impact ventures that address big societal challenges affecting South Africa and the African continent at large. 

The initiative is sponsored by the US Embassy in South Africa.

Video link (in case it is not renderable on your device) 



The presentation below gives further information about the overall program. If for some reason you are viewing this in a device that does not allow you to view the presentation, you can view it at this link:
(Note: presentation best viewed in fll screen mode by clicking on 3 vertical dots alongside page number change).

For further information, contact

USSAVI Mini Incubator 2022
USSAVI Programs (click for more)

USSAVI is a virtual entrepreneurship incubator where students work in multi-university teams from South Africa in partnership with universities in the the United States to develop high impact ventures that address big societal challenges affecting South Africa and the African continent at large. 

The initiative is sponsored by the US Embassy in South Africa.

Video link (in case it is not renderable on your device) 


The presentation below gives further information about the overall program. If for some reason you are viewing this in a device that does not allow you to view the presentation, you can view it at this link:
(Note: presentation best viewed in fll screen mode by clicking on 3 vertical dots alongside page number change).

For further information, contact Lana Franks at

When you attempt to enrol for the program, if you are not already a registered Mashauri user, you will be taken to the registration page. Click the grey box"Create a new account" and then follow the simple instructions. Return here and enrol (as a Problem Owner or Team Member).

CRG BioBusiness School 2024
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

The CRG BioBusiness School is a highly interactive, activity-driven learning process that takes scientists through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience; aiming to instil an entrepreneurial mindset  and to ignite the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ones.


The core of the program takes you through the venture building process in small groups of participants; supported by exchange with entrepreneurs and business experts culminating in a pitch event. This online experience, designed by the CRG Technology Transfer and Training office, with the special collaboration of the PROTrEIN project, provides valuable resources such as business templates, educational material and a communication channel to capture and maximise the inputs and outputs of the event.

Participants benefits You will benefit from building an entrepreneurial skillset that will give you the capacity and confidence to pinpoint the added commercial value of your research as well as to envision the creation of your own business. Furthermore, if you decide not to follow the path of entrepreneurship, these competencies are greatly sought after by corporates, NGOs and the public sector - and as such, you will gain an advantage in the job market. The online format of the program widens the networking opportunities with national and international fellows, allowing you to establish bonds with other participants and invited speakers. Besides work, there will also be fun activities to keep the group stimulated and engaged.

UJ TTO Venture Spark Bootcamp
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

UJ Technology Transfer Office are hosting the Venture Spark Bootcamp. 

This activity-based process takes post-graduates and faculty through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab ideas into business ideas.

This Bootcamp is open to all student ideas but preference is given to those whose ideas are related to their own University-based research.

The core is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and experts and culminating in a pitch event.

The program will be hybrid (online and face-to-face) where all the participants will work from the UJ TTO premises in Johannesburg from 20th November to 24th November, 2023. Lectures and tasks will be presented online and a coach will be on-hand on the premises to guide the venture building activity.

Contact or for more information

MDC Entrepreneurial Spark Bootcamp
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

This activity-based process takes post-graduates through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab ideas into business ideas.

The Schools are vertically focused (e.g. agritech) and the business concepts are prescribed, guided or left open.

The core is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and experts and culminating in a pitch event.

The specific content may change depending on the participant's requirements and limitations. The program may be run online or offline.

We have had great success in food science and health science. In addition, our IPathon (see appendix) is an offshoot of this program.

The video below is an example of one of these bootcamps which we have annually run for CRG since 2019.


Contact for more information

Entrepreneur Bootcamp
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

This activity-based process takes post-graduates through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab ideas into business ideas.

The Schools are vertically focused (e.g. agritech) and the business concepts are prescribed, guided or left open.

The core is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and experts and culminating in a pitch event.

The specific content may change depending on the participant's requirements and limitations. The program may be run online or offline.

We have had great success in food science and health science. In addition, our IPathon (see appendix) is an offshoot of this program.

The video below is an example of one of these bootcamps which we have annually run for CRG since 2019.


Contact for more information

CRG BioBusiness School 2023
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

The CRG BioBusiness School is a highly interactive, activity-driven learning process that takes scientists through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience; aiming to instil an entrepreneurial mindset  and to ignite the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ones.


The core of the program takes you through the venture building process in small groups of participants; supported by exchange with entrepreneurs and business experts culminating in a pitch event. This online experience, designed by the CRG Technology Transfer and Training office, with the special collaboration of the PROTrEIN project, provides valuable resources such as business templates, educational material and a communication channel to capture and maximise the inputs and outputs of the event.

Participants benefits You will benefit from building an entrepreneurial skillset that will give you the capacity and confidence to pinpoint the added commercial value of your research as well as to envision the creation of your own business. Furthermore, if you decide not to follow the path of entrepreneurship, these competencies are greatly sought after by corporates, NGOs and the public sector - and as such, you will gain an advantage in the job market. The online format of the program widens the networking opportunities with national and international fellows, allowing you to establish bonds with other participants and invited speakers. Besides work, there will also be fun activities to keep the group stimulated and engaged.

CRG Biobusiness School 2021
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

Centre for Genomic Regulation

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, created in December 2000. The Technology and Business Development Office at CRG (TBDO) serves as a link between scientists and society, by bridging the gap between CRG early stage research and the market.

The mission of the CRG is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity. The CRG believes that the medicine of the future depends on the ground-breaking science of today. This requires an interdisciplinary scientific team focused on understanding the complexity of life from the genome to the cell to a whole organism and its interaction with the environment, offering an integrated view of genetic diseases.

As part of the development process of the Early Stage Researchers (ESR), CRG are hosting a Biobusiness School. Mashauri have been selected as the partner to design and facilitate the program. 

The BioBusiness School is a highly interactive, activity based process that takes PhD’s and postdocs through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas.

The core of the program is a group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and experts culminating in a pitch event. This online event is underpinned by the Mashauri entrepreneurial education platform which includes valuable resources such as templates, educational material and a communication medium to capture inputs and outputs of the event

Outline agenda


Agenda items


Welcome and introduction

Keynote speaker

The entrepreneurial journey

Team development

Identification and selection of venture idea


Solving problems

Social impact and financial impact

Presentation and Q&A: guest entrepreneur

Market and customer analysis of venture


Competitive dynamics and positioning

Developing a value proposition for your venture

Presentation and Q&A: guest entrepreneur

Market testing (with real customers)

Pitch training and practice


Funding and finance

Funding panel discussion

Pitching your venture in front of judges

Results, feedback and awards

The selection of the candidates for the BioBusiness School has been completed and enrolment in the program wills commence on 20th April.

CRG BioBusiness School 2020
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

The CRG BioBusiness School 


Online April 2020


The mission of circRTrain is to provide cross-disciplinary training in experimental and computational biology for a new generation of researchers who will exploit the power of emerging technological platforms  to decipher the biology of circular RNAs.

The Max Delbruck Center (MDC)

The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine is devoted to biomedical research with the aim of understanding the molecular basis of health and disease and translating findings as quickly as possible into clinical applications. Better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases are the ultimate goals. MDC are the project managers of the circRTrain program.

Centre for Genomic Regulation

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, created in December 2000. The Technology and Business Development Office at CRG (TBDO) serves as a link between scientists and society, by bridging the gap between CRG early stage research and the market.

The mission of the CRG is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity. The CRG believes that the medicine of the future depends on the ground-breaking science of today. This requires an interdisciplinary scientific team focused on understanding the complexity of life from the genome to the cell to a whole organism and its interaction with the environment, offering an integrated view of genetic diseases.

As part of the development process of the Early Stage Researchers (ESR), CGR are hosting a BioBusiness School. Initially this was planned to be held at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park; however, with the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been moved online. Mashauri have been selected as the partner to design and facilitate the program. 

The selection of the candidates for the BioBusiness School has been completed and enrolment in the program wills commence on 16th April.

EIT Food PhD Summer School 2020
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

EIT Food Global Food Venture Programme (GFVP) in conjunction with IMDEA Food and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) are hosting an online Summer Entrepreneurial School in  in June 2020. Fourty PhD students (or graduates) from across Europe will virtually get together for an eight day, life-changing,  immersive entrepreneurial experience. While being exposed to food-tech entrepreneurs and ventures, learning the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, they will work in groups creating and launching a new business within that period. The School will culminate in a live pitching event in front of a virtual panel of investors, corporates and other judges to determine which groups will win the prizes for the best ventures. The prizes will include further mentoring and incubation of teams to continue with their business ideas.

This initiative has been designed to further imbue the top scientific "food minds" in Europe with an entrepreneurial mindset that will catalyse further innovation activity in this massively important sector in Europe. Mashauri will design and facilitate the event. EIT Food GFVP, IMDEA Food and UAM will ensure input from some of the top professors, mentors, corporates and public sector experts in Europe to challenge and guide the students as they develop an enterprise perspective. IE Business School specifically are a key partner in this program lending some of their top professors to co-facilitate this event with the Mashauri team.

The call for potential candidates for the Camp has been completed and those selected may now enrol below.

EIT Food - GFVP Summer School 2019
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

The EIT Food GFVP Entrepreneurial Summer School

Madrid: June 2019

EIT Food GFVP IMDEA Mashauri Summer School

EIT Food Global Food Venture Programme (GFVP) in conjunction with IMDEA Food and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) are hosting a Summer Entrepreneurial School in Madrid in June 2019. Forty PhD students (or graduates) from across Europe will get together for a ten day, life-changing,  immersive entrepreneurial experience. While being exposed to food-tech entrepreneurs and ventures, learning the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, they will work in groups creating and launching a new business within that ten day period. The Camp will culminate in a live pitching event in front of a panel of investors, corporates and other judges to determine which groups will win the prizes for the best ventures. The prizes will include further mentoring and incubation of teams to continue with their business ideas.

This initiative has been designed to further imbue the top scientific "food minds" in Europe with an entrepreneurial mindset that will catalyse further innovation activity in this massively important sector in Europe. Mashauri will design and facilitate the event. EIT Food GFVP, IMDEA Food and UAM will ensure input from some of the top professors, mentors, corporates and public sector experts in Europe to challenge and guide the students as they develop an enterprise perspective.

The call for potential candidates for the Camp has been completed and those selected may now enrol below.

AgriNation Startup Bootcamp
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

A virtual startup bootcamp for selected participants in the FAO AgriNations Startup Cup Bootcamp program. 

BioBusiness School
Schools & Bootcamps (click for more)

The BioBusiness School is a highly interactive, activity-driven learning process that takes scientists through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience; aiming to instil an entrepreneurial mindset  and to ignite the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ones.


The core of the program takes you through the venture building process in small groups of participants; supported by exchange with entrepreneurs and business experts culminating in a pitch event. This online experience, designed by the CRG Technology Transfer and Training office, with the special collaboration of the PROTrEIN project, provides valuable resources such as business templates, educational material and a communication channel to capture and maximise the inputs and outputs of the event.

Participants benefits You will benefit from building an entrepreneurial skillset that will give you the capacity and confidence to pinpoint the added commercial value of your research as well as to envision the creation of your own business. Furthermore, if you decide not to follow the path of entrepreneurship, these competencies are greatly sought after by corporates, NGOs and the public sector - and as such, you will gain an advantage in the job market. The online format of the program widens the networking opportunities with national and international fellows, allowing you to establish bonds with other participants and invited speakers. Besides work, there will also be fun activities to keep the group stimulated and engaged.

Guilford College Entrepreneurship BUS381 - Fall 2023
Guilford College Programs (click for more)

Accredited entrepreneurship program at Guilford College in North Carolina, United States.

Instructor: Ashley Raper

Guilford College Entrepreneurship BUS381 - Spring 2023
Guilford College Programs (click for more)

This course introduces the process of launching new ventures. 

It will offer insight into the characteristics of entrepreneurs, the approaches they use to create, identify and evaluate opportunities for new ventures, and the skills that are needed to start and manage new enterprises and develop a business model. 

Students will develop a preliminary plan to launch a new community-based initiative or business within this course.

Headlines Programs
Headlines Programs (click for more)

Mashauri is part of the Headlines consortium who are developing excellent entrepreneurial education for students, faculty and staff at the contributing institutions who are:

  • Universidad de Burgos
  • IMDEA Food
  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences
  • Munster Technological University.

The program operates under the European Innovation and Technology Food organisation and is co-sponsored by the European Union.

This section of Mashauri is dedicated to these programs.

Headlines Boost Your Business 3
Headlines Programs (click for more)
This Virtual Incubator is hosted by Centria University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the HEADLINES European Innovation and Technology consortium.
  • Phase 1 took us up to the end of the year (2022) when we paused for a festive season break.
  • Phase 2 commenced on 16 January 2023
  • Phase 3 (this program) will commence on 23 May 2023

What is it: 

  • A virtual incubator program that will help you (or your team) develop and refine a health or food business idea. 

Modus operandi:

  • The program will run online over 4 weeks on the Mashauri platform.
  • You will work individually or  inside a team which will be compile of participants who have a passion for working on a specific business idea
  • You will be required to dedicate about 4 to 6 hours per week; most of which will be at the time that you wish to work.
  • You will receive weekly content (videos, interactive exercises, text-based documents) and tasks to complete that advance the venture idea. These tasks will be supported by tools and templates linked to the content that you will have learned.
  • Team progress is tracked and the course is supported with gamification techniques that make it easy to stay engaged and keep up to date.
  • You will meet with an experienced mentor twice per month to receive further guidance and input
  • The program ends in a pitching competition in front of judges and real investors.
Why should I enrol?

  • The program will start you on the journey of developing an entrepreneurial mindset. This not only gives you the capability to start your own business; but also greatly increases your employability if you are seeking a job.
  • You will learn the fundamental aspects of entrepreneurship together with human-centred design as you build out your business idea
  • You will learn what is, and how to apply, a scientific approach to new venture development
  • You will take the first important steps in developing your own business
  • It is an interactive, fun and exciting program
  • You will get to network with your peers and find like-minded students
  • All successful participants will earn a certificate
  • Top teams get to pitch ideas to investors
  • You will have the possibility of making a positive impact in the world

What business idea will I work on and what are the parameters?

  • Ideas need to be broadly within the food or health sectors.
  • You will get the opportunity to team up with others if you prefer to not work alone.

Startup Mentor Program April 2023
Headlines Programs (click for more)

This program has been designed to support those who wish to act as a mentor to a startup founder or team. 

We will be running 3 programs this year: late May, July and September.

If you would like to apply for any of the programs, please complete this application: Headlines Startup Mentor Programs 2022 FAQ

( https:/

    Applications are open to: any student, staff or faculty who is registered at any of the institutions participating in the EU HE Innovate Headlines program. These are: Centria University of Applied Sciences; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Munster Technological University; Universidad de Burgos; IMDEA Food.

    If you are not part of any of these institutions but would like to be considered as a participant, please write to 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Centria Boost Your Business Virtual Incubator (Phase 1)
    Headlines Programs (click for more)

    This Virtual Incubator is hosted by Centria University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the HEADLINES European Innovation and Technology consortium.

    Phase 1 will take you up to the end of the year where we pause for a festive season break.

    Phase 2 will commence in January 2023

    What is it: 

    • A virtual incubator program that will help you (or your team) develop and refine a health or food business idea. 

    Modus operandi:

    • The program will run online over 12 weeks on the Mashauri platform.

    • You will work individually or  inside a team which will be compile of participants who have a passion for working on a specific business idea

    • You will be required to dedicate about 4 to 6 hours per week; most of which will be at the time that you wish to work.

    • You will receive weekly content (videos, interactive exercises, text-based documents) and tasks to complete that advance the venture idea. These tasks will be supported by tools and templates linked to the content that you will have learned.

    • Team progress is tracked and the course is supported with gamification techniques that make it easy to stay engaged and keep up to date.

    • You will meet with an experienced mentor twice per month to receive further guidance and input

    • The program ends in a pitching competition in front of judges and real investors.

    Why should I enrol?

    • The program will start you on the journey of developing an entrepreneurial mindset. This not only gives you the capability to start your own business; but also greatly increases your employability if you are seeking a job.

    • You will learn the fundamental aspects of entrepreneurship together with human-centred design as you build out your business idea

    • You will learn what is, and how to apply, a scientific approach to new venture development

    • You will take the first important steps in developing your own business

    • It is an interactive, fun and exciting program

    • You will get to network with your peers and find like-minded students

    • All successful participants will earn a certificate

    • Top teams get to pitch ideas to investors

    • You will have the possibility of making a positive impact in the world

    What business idea will I work on and what are the parameters?

    • Ideas need to be broadly within the food or health sectors.

    • You will get the opportunity to team up with others if you prefer to not work alone.

    When does it start?

    • The program will commence on 24 November 2022 and will run for 12 weeks (but with a pause over the Christmas period)

    How do I register for the program?

    Centria Boost Your Business Virtual Incubator (Phase 2)
    Headlines Programs (click for more)

    This Virtual Incubator is hosted by Centria University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the HEADLINES European Innovation and Technology consortium.

    Phase 1 took us up to the end of the year (2022) when we paused for a festive season break.

    Phase 2 will commence on 16 January 2023

    What is it: 

    • A virtual incubator program that will help you (or your team) develop and refine a health or food business idea. 

    Modus operandi:

    • The program will run online over 12 weeks on the Mashauri platform.

    • You will work individually or  inside a team which will be compile of participants who have a passion for working on a specific business idea

    • You will be required to dedicate about 4 to 6 hours per week; most of which will be at the time that you wish to work.

    • You will receive weekly content (videos, interactive exercises, text-based documents) and tasks to complete that advance the venture idea. These tasks will be supported by tools and templates linked to the content that you will have learned.

    • Team progress is tracked and the course is supported with gamification techniques that make it easy to stay engaged and keep up to date.

    • You will meet with an experienced mentor twice per month to receive further guidance and input

    • The program ends in a pitching competition in front of judges and real investors.

    Why should I enrol?

    • The program will start you on the journey of developing an entrepreneurial mindset. This not only gives you the capability to start your own business; but also greatly increases your employability if you are seeking a job.

    • You will learn the fundamental aspects of entrepreneurship together with human-centred design as you build out your business idea

    • You will learn what is, and how to apply, a scientific approach to new venture development

    • You will take the first important steps in developing your own business

    • It is an interactive, fun and exciting program

    • You will get to network with your peers and find like-minded students

    • All successful participants will earn a certificate

    • Top teams get to pitch ideas to investors

    • You will have the possibility of making a positive impact in the world

    What business idea will I work on and what are the parameters?

    • Ideas need to be broadly within the food or health sectors.

    • You will get the opportunity to team up with others if you prefer to not work alone.

    When does it start?

    • The program will commence on 24 November 2022 and will run for 12 weeks (but with a pause over the Christmas period)

    How do I register for the program?

    Registrations are closed and selected students from phase 1 have been invited to continue with phase 2 based on their performance in phase 1.

    Headlines Health & Food Global Innovation Competition
    Headlines Programs (click for more)

    This course is to support the 10 finalists (five from food and five from health; 2 each from MTU, Centria, Burgos, IMDEA Food and UAM) in preparing for the competition taking place at MTU on 3rd March in Cork, Ireland.

    In addition to having the trip to Ireland paid for, there is also the chance to win one of the two prizes:

    • €750-00 for the next big thing in Food
    • €750-00 for the next big thing in Health

    Students will have been selected to compete by the participating institution based on their own internal competition. This course has been designed to attempt to put the teams on an equal footing in terms of preparedness. The course has been designed following the framework shown in the diagram below.

    • The program will run over January / February 2023

    • The program will be fully online except the pitch feedback (see below)

    • The assignment will be a video of their pitch and Mashauri will give each student 1-on-1 feedback

    • Total time will not exceed 4 hours (excluding the time they need to prepare their pitch video)

    • There will be a suggested timeline to which students should adhere (and will be reminded if they are behind); and a deadline for the assignment.

    • Pitch criteria will be included

    The Startup Mentor Program
    Headlines Programs (click for more)

    This program has been designed to support those who wish to act as a mentor to a startup founder or team. 

    We will be running 3 programs this year: late May, July and September.

    If you would like to apply for any of the programs, please complete this application: Headlines Startup Mentor Programs 2022 FAQ

    ( https:/

      Applications are open to: any student, staff or faculty who is registered at any of the institutions participating in the EU HE Innovate Headlines program. These are: Centria University of Applied Sciences; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Munster Technological University; Universidad de Burgos; IMDEA Food.

      If you are not part of any of these institutions but would like to be considered as a participant, please write to 

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Startup Mentor Program July 2022
      Headlines Programs (click for more)

      This program has been designed to support those who wish to act as a mentor to a startup founder or team. 

      We will be running 3 programs this year: late May, July and September.

      If you would like to apply for any of the programs, please complete this application: Headlines Startup Mentor Programs 2022 FAQ

      ( https:/

        Applications are open to: any student, staff or faculty who is registered at any of the institutions participating in the EU HE Innovate Headlines program. These are: Centria University of Applied Sciences; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Munster Technological University; Universidad de Burgos; IMDEA Food.

        If you are not part of any of these institutions but would like to be considered as a participant, please write to 

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Centria Starting Up Mini Incubator
        Headlines Programs (click for more)

        Headlines Centria Starting Up Mini Incubator

        Starting Up

        Applications will stay open unto 30 August. Apply here:

        Startup Mentor Program September 2022
        Headlines Programs (click for more)

        This program has been designed to support those who wish to act as a mentor to a startup founder or team. 

        We will be running 3 programs this year: late May, July and September.

        If you would like to apply for any of the programs, please complete this application: Headlines Startup Mentor Programs 2022 FAQ

        ( https:/

          Applications are open to: any student, staff or faculty who is registered at any of the institutions participating in the EU HE Innovate Headlines program. These are: Centria University of Applied Sciences; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Munster Technological University; Universidad de Burgos; IMDEA Food.

          If you are not part of any of these institutions but would like to be considered as a participant, please write to 

          Frequently Asked Questions

          UJ TTO Pre IPathon program

          What is an "IPathon"?

          An IPathon is an initiative designed by Mashauri Limited to support Universities and other owners of intellectual property (IP) in freeing up unused IP by harnessing the talent and enthusiasm of entrepreneurial students.

          There are three main steps:

          • Pre-IPathion where IP is prepared and students undergoes some fundamental entrepreneurial training
          • The IPathon itself (generally a 2,5 day process)
          • The post IPathon incubator where the successful teams are supported in bringing the venture to life and perhaps even resulting in a spin-off or at least licensing opportunity.

          The IPathon overall process is shown schematically below:


          This is the IPathon pre-program.

          It is designed to prepare the participants for the IPathon itself by giving information around some key entrepreneurial concepts that will be used in the event itself.

          CUT Pre-IPathon

          What is an "IPathon"

          An IPathon is an initiative designed by Mashauri Limited to support Universities and other owners of intellectual property (IP) in freeing up unused IP by harnessing the talent and enthusiasm of entrepreneurial students.

          There are three main steps:

          • Pre-IPathion where IP is prepared and students undergoes some fundamental entrepreneurial training
          • The IPathon itself (generally a 2,5 day process)
          • The post IPathon incubator where the successful teams are supported in bringing the venture to life and perhaps even resulting in a spin-off or at least licensing opportunity.

          The IPathon overall process is shown schematically below:


          This program is the IPathon pre-program an is designed to prepare the participants for the IPathon itself by giving training in some key entrepreneurial concepts that will be used in the event itself.

          Entrepreneur simulation: the startup game
          Simulations (click for more)

          Developed by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The simulation is designed for class groups of 20 to 86 students.

          This multi-player simulation places students into a variety of roles that explore the chaos and excitement of starting a new company. Students role-play as founders, investors, and potential employees who must deal with the many complexities of negotiating deals, finding the right staffing mix, building relationships, and making critical early decisions that affect the chances of long-term success. 

          Participants prepare in advance for their roles before forming teams and launching their exploratory or exploitative ventures amid intense competition. Developed by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the simulation is designed to mirror a true startup experience: it is chaotic and complicated, and students must figure out optimal strategies for success, with limited information, over the course of the game. 

          The Entrepreneurship Simulation: The Startup Game tracks players along a variety of dimensions that lead to startup success, including the interaction between hiring and strategy, the trade-off between control and wealth, the skills needed to run a company, and the valuations that startups receive. It provides interactive scoreboards for instructors to use during class debrief and includes video interviews with Warby Parker visionary Neil Blumenthal, venture capitalist Josh Kopelman, and Bruce Brownstein, one of eBay's first hires. 

          The Teaching Note provides guidance on running effective class debriefs. Developed by professor and former entrepreneur Ethan Mollick, the Entrepreneurship Simulation: The Startup Game is one of The Wharton School's most popular simulations. The simulation can serve as an introduction or capstone to any entrepreneurship class. The simulation is playable only by class groups of 20-86 students.

          Learning Objective

          1. Exploration of entrepreneurial strategies, focusing on valuation, determining an appropriate employee mix, matching strategies to early HR practices, and equity retention; 

          2. Illustrate the dynamics involved in a startup and the qualities that separate a success from a failure; 

          3. Exercise strategic planning, hiring practices, growth management, creative problem solving and analytical skill sets, and negotiation tactics in a competitive environment; 

          4. Provides an introduction or capstone to classes on entrepreneurship by exposing students to some of the complexity of entrepreneurial management.

          Timing and logistics

          The simulation can be played in a highly active session from 3 to 5 hours, including the orientation and debrief.

          The session may be held online although it is best conducted in a classroom session.


          Pricing is at £75 per student which includes the Harvard registration cost. A minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 30 for any session.

          To request a workshop for your organisation or to obtain more information, please contact us at

          Designing and evaluating business models
          Simulations (click for more)

          Using a Harvard Business case study as the core, together with top quality, engaging educational material, participants:

          • learn about the business model canvas and how it is used
          • understand the key elements of the canvas and the interplay between them
          • get exposure to alternative business model tools (the lean canvas, the social impact canvas)
          • review revenue models and when they are appropriate
          • undertake a case study (based on a real situation) where they use the business model canvas to evaluate 3 approaches to launching a mental health application
            • selecting their choice of model with rationale 
            • review the alternatives
            • see what happened in the real situation

          This program can be run by individuals or in teams (preferably). It requires about 3 hours of pre-work and then a 4 hour session where they work through the case and obtain feedback. The latter may be run in a classroom or remotely over Zoom (or similar).


          Pricing is at £95 per student which includes the Harvard registration cost. A minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 30 for any session.

          To request a business model evaluation event for your organisation or to obtain more information, please contact us at

          To obtain a free ebook on best practices in running entrepreneur simulations - complete the request form below


          Innovation marketing simulation: crossing the chasm
          Simulations (click for more)

          A hands-on simulation for students providing a never-to-be-forgotten learning experience. Sourced from Harvard Education and the Chasm Institute; and hosted by Mashauri.

          Many new products and ventures fail in the marketplace. One reason for this is that most innovations fail to make a mark in the mainstream market. This simulation allows students to experience the frustrations and challenges of taking a disruptive innovation from initial success with early adopters to widespread adoption by the mainstream market. Said transition has been termed as "crossing the chasm" by Geoffrey A. Moore, and is the foundational framework for the simulation. Students play the role of a self-driving vehicle technology firm that has garnered significant attention from the early adopter market but is struggling to break in to the mainstream market. Investors are now looking for exponential growth through mainstream adoption. Students will be tasked to assess the market segments that have shown interest in self-driving vehicles (SDVs), develop the appropriate product solution for their selected segments, and achieve the growth promised by their technology. In short, students must find a way to successfully "cross the chasm."

          Get a free ebook on Best practices in running entrepreneur simulations

          Learning objectives

          • Understand and experience the discontinuity (chasm) between the early adopter and mainstream markets in the adoption of a disruptive innovation
          • Discover how innovations can attain widespread adoption through a strategy that successfully bridges the early adopter and early majority markets
          • Learn to ascertain the appropriate target market segments for mainstream adoption using limited, qualitative data
          • Overcome the tendency to follow the conservative strategy of spreading the risks to multiple markets, and pursue the high-risk strategy of focusing on one segment
          • Realize the importance of completely satisfying the needs of the selected target segment with a whole product solution
          • Recognize the long-term benefit of persisting with and dominating one segment to achieve the end goal of success in adjacent segments (bowling pin effect)

          Timing and logistics

          The simulation can be played in a concentrated 2 hour session including the orientation and debrief; or may be stretched out over a longer period of time.

          The session may be held entirely online or conducted in a classroom setting.

          There are 3 parts to the course

          • An orientation to the self-driving vehicle industry and the student's role in the simulation (as CEO of a funded, self-driving vehicle technology firm).
          • The simulation itself that takes place over 4 years where market opportunities are assessed, strategic investment and market approach decisions are made and results are presented year by year.
          • A debrief where results are analysed, theory and cases are presented (videos and presentation) and an interactive discussion is held (in class or via a webinar) where learnings are teased out and conclusions drawn.


          Pricing is at £75 per student which includes the Harvard registration cost. A minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 30 for any session.

          To request a workshop for your organisation or to obtain more information, please contact us at

          To obtain a free ebook on best practices in running entrepreneur simulations - complete the request form below

          New venture simulation : the food truck challenge
          Simulations (click for more)

          In this online simulation, students try to run a successful food truck in the city of Boomtown. Students work individually or in teams to achieve maximum revenue over 5 simulated weeks and win the "Food Truck Challenge." In each round, students make decisions about where to park and what menu item to offer in hopes of finding the best menu-location combination and yielding the highest sales. They begin by analyzing market data and making a plan, but must then decide whether to a.) go to scale right away with the food truck b.) conduct further research and analysis, or c.) experiment with a low-capacity pushcart. In the class debrief, students discuss the trade-offs between analysis, experimentation, and scale.

          This simulation teaches students about the value of learning by doing, prototyping, and willingness to fail. It is ideal for discussions of innovation, product development, design thinking, lean start-up, entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, and organisational learning. 

          Timing and logistics

          The simulation can be played in a concentrated 1 hour session including the orientation and debrief; or may be stretched out over a longer period of time.

          The session may be held entirely online or conducted in a classroom setting.


          Pricing is at £75 per student which includes the Harvard registration cost. A minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 30 for any session.

          To arrange a workshop for your organisation or obtain more information, please contact us at .

          Post Graduate Diploma in Innovation: Research Project
          Masters Programs

          This is the Research Project which is part of the University's Post Graduate Diploma in Innovation (PGDIP Innovation).

          It guides the student in the steps to build their venture providing the necessary tools, templates and content. Furthermore, it is the place where they upload their deliverables for review and grading by the program mentors.

          In this way, the students are able to develop their venture independently and in their own time. Furthermore, the professor and/or mentor time is massively optimised as the time spent with the students is in challenge and guidance, rather than requiring time to give simple instructions and explanations.

          Masters in AI and Entrepreneurship
          Masters Programs

          Unlocking Innovation: Master's in AI and Entrepreneurship

          Embark on a transformative journey at our cutting-edge Master's program in Entrepreneurship and AI, where the realms of innovation, artificial intelligence, and entrepreneurial prowess converge. In today's dynamic landscape, the fusion of entrepreneurship and AI has become an uncharted frontier, brimming with endless possibilities. This program is meticulously crafted to equip you with the tools, insights, and creative mindset needed to navigate this exhilarating terrain.

          As you learn, you will also be guided in developing your own AI-based venture which you may then take forward at the end of the program to building this into a full business.

          Elevate Your Vision: 

          Are you ready to sculpt your dreams into reality? Our program commences with a profound introduction to both the captivating world of entrepreneurship and the intricate tapestry of AI. Gain a holistic understanding of these domains, their symbiotic relationship, and how they can empower one another.

          Forge AI Creations:

          Unleash your creativity through AI-powered artistry. Harness the power of prompt engineering and witness captivating images and music emerge from the depths of algorithms. Dive into the innovative universe of AI content generation, and witness your ideas come to life in ways you never thought possible.

          Ethical Pioneering: 

          As trailblazers, we acknowledge the importance of ethical considerations in this journey. Navigate the intricate ethical dimensions of AI entrepreneurship. Delve into discussions on bias, fairness, and transparency to ensure your innovations are built on strong ethical foundations.

          Discover Untapped Opportunities:

           Seize the chance to revolutionize industries. Explore untapped AI-driven business opportunities and witness how AI is poised to reshape healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and beyond. Gain insights from those who've carved their paths in the world of AI entrepreneurship.

          No-Code Revolution:

           With no-code AI development, coding barriers crumble. Embark on a voyage to build conversational AIs, advanced applications, and even web and mobile apps without the need for coding expertise. Witness AI and entrepreneurship merge seamlessly to empower your ideas.

          Innovate Business Models

          Understand the intricate dance between AI and business models. Explore models built on data monetization, subscription services, and more. Grasp the disruptive force of AI and learn how to wield it to reshape markets and industries.

          As you navigate this exhilarating journey, culminate your experience by crafting an AI-infused entrepreneurial venture that blends technological brilliance with visionary leadership. Our program is more than a degree; it's a launchpad for those who dare to dream, disrupt, and innovate.

          Unveil the future of entrepreneurship and AI with us. Together, we will chart the course of innovation, redefine industries, and create a world where technology and entrepreneurship intertwine seamlessly. Are you ready to embark on this groundbreaking odyssey? Your adventure begins here.

          Course modus operandi

          • The course is hosted completely online on the Mashauri platform
          • You may work at your own pace. The optimal work pace is to invest 4 to 5 hours per week and you will finish the course in about 3 months.
          • The price of the course is $1,199-00 (bursaries available for certain students)
          • You will receive a Mashauri certificate on successful completion of the program
          • Outline curriculum shown below

          This program is planned to start in late 2024. If you would like to find out more, please contact:

          Draft curriculum

          Section 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and AI

          Module 1: Foundations of Entrepreneurship and AI

            - Introduction to entrepreneurship and its relevance in the AI landscape.

            - Overview of artificial intelligence: history, types, and applications.

            - Understanding the symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurship and AI.

            Module 2: AI Technologies and Tools for Entrepreneurs

            - Introduction to AI technologies: machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc.

            - Exploration of AI development tools, libraries, and frameworks.

            - Hands-on exercises with basic AI model development.


          Section 2: Prompt Engineering and AI Content Generation

          Module 3: Creative AI: Prompt Engineering and Image Generation

            - Techniques for formulating effective prompts for AI systems.

            - Image generation using generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs).

            - Practical exercises in generating images based on different prompts.

            Module 4: Music and Text Generation with AI

            - Using AI for music composition and generation.

            - Text generation using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers.

            - Workshop on creating AI-generated music and text.


          Section 3: Ethical Considerations in AI Entrepreneurship

          Module 5: Ethics and Responsible AI

            - Understanding ethical challenges in AI development and entrepreneurship.

            - Bias, fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI systems.

            - Case studies of ethical dilemmas and their resolutions.


          Section 4: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in AI

          Module 6: AI-driven Business Opportunities

            - Identifying market gaps and opportunities for AI-driven solutions.

            - Disruptive potential of AI across industries: healthcare, finance, manufacturing, etc.

            - Guest speakers from successful AI startups sharing their experiences.


          Section 5: No-Code AI Development

          Module 7: Building Conversational AIs with No Code

            - Introduction to no-code AI development platforms.

            - Designing and building chatbots and virtual assistants.

            - Practical hands-on session on creating a conversational AI.

            Module 8: Advanced No-Code AI Development

            - Exploring more complex AI applications without coding.

            - Creating AI-driven recommendation systems and personalized experiences.

            - Workshop on developing advanced AI applications using no-code platforms.


          Section 6: No-Code App Development and AI Data Visualization

          Module 9: Building Web and Mobile Apps with No Code

            - Introduction to no-code app development tools.

            - Designing and building web and mobile applications integrated with AI features.

            - Hands-on session on creating a functional app without coding.

            Module 10: AI Data Visualization and Interpretability

            - Using AI to create meaningful data visualizations and insights.

            - Interpreting AI model outputs and making them accessible to non-technical users.

            - Workshop on generating AI-powered data visualizations.


          Section 7: Business Models, AI, and Market Disruption

          Module 11: Business Models in the Age of AI

            - Adapting traditional business models to leverage AI.

            - Subscription, freemium, data monetization, and more.

            - Case studies of successful AI-driven business models.

            Module 12: Market Disruption and AI Innovation

            - Understanding how AI is disrupting existing markets and creating new ones.

            - Strategies for startups to leverage AI for market disruption.

            - Analyzing the impact of AI on various industries.

          Capstone Project: AI-Powered Entrepreneurial Venture

          Students will work on a comprehensive capstone project that combines AI technologies, entrepreneurial concepts, and no-code development tools to create an innovative business solution. This project will be supervised by both AI and entrepreneurship mentors.

          This curriculum aims to provide a well-rounded education in the intersection of entrepreneurship and AI, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the evolving landscape of technology-driven innovation.

          Design Thinking and Product Management Open Course
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          Design thinking and product management

          A complete guide to design thinking.

          Introducing you to the world of design thinking, from conceptualising an idea using  design thinking to develop the first version of your product,


          What you will learn

          • What is design thinking and how it is used
          • What are the benefits and challenges in using design thinking
          • What are the key steps in the process and how do you undertake them
          • How to use design-thinking in product management through every stage of the product life-cycle
          As with all Mashauri programs, this one is highly experiential and you will learn by dong. This also means you will walk away form the course as a design-thinking practitioner with a toolbox of techniques, templates, processes and guides.

          All successful students will also receive a certificate.

          Who is this for

          The program will be incredibly useful for anyone who wants to understand what is design thinking and how to put it into practise. 

          In particular, it will serve:

          1. Those interested in a career in product management
          2. Entrepreneurs (early stage or late stage)
          3. Intrapreneurs wishing to make an impact on their organisation through innovation
          4. University students looking for a life-skill to help them in problem-solving and decision making (and to give their resume a boost)
          5. Anyone seeking to unlock their own creativity in a structured manner

          The outline syllabus

          1. Design thinking - an introduction and overview
          2. The design-thinking process - deep dive into the 5 steps including a free set of insanely useful tools, processes and techniques.
          3. Design thinking - product development and cases
          4. Design thinking - final assignment

          Application modes

          Application is open to two categories of student

          1. Open to individuals
          2. Open to Belong students
          The methods of enrolment of the two categories are explained below. Note: you must be registered on Mashauri before you can enrol (both categories).

          Application open to all individuals (by payment):

          The fee is US $49.99 to undertake the course, including the certification.

          Step 1: you need to register at Mashauri (see menu in top right hand corner)

          Step 2: after registration, return to this program and click the "Pay now via PayPal or Credit or Debit Card" button.

          Step 3: if you have a PayPal account you can pay via PayPal. If not, click on the "Pay with a Bank Account or Credit Card" button. Then you will be taken to a payment page where you can pay by card and/or direct debit. You will be offered the chance to open a PayPal account, but it is not obligatory or necessary.

          Step 4: once you have paid, you will receive confirmation of payment and be given immediate access to the program.

          Startup Boards (free) - create & manage
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          Asvisory board

          This series on “Start a Board” is going to talk to you about why you would create a board, how you create a board, what a board does, how to deal with challenges and conflicts that come up in the context of the board, and overall, how to build and develop a powerful board that can help you and your company grow and thrive.

          This programme is open and free for any registered Mashauri user - simply signup at the top right hand corner (or press "continue" below).

          The Art of Startup Finance (Free)
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          Startup finance

          Finance is about more than just money and numbers.

          If you are starting your own business and feel your team lacks the necessary financial skills than this is a perfect course for you to get to grips with financial issues, budgeting and forecasting. In about 12 hours, you will become familiar with things like income statements, balance sheets, cash flows and key performance indicators. At a later stage you will still require financial assistance from a qualified accountant, but this course will help you through the early phases before such input becomes necessary.

          The tools we're going to talk about are going to help you manage the business that you're running from day‑to‑day. And most importantly, they'll help you get into the future and build an even more successful company. The five key elements of startup finance form a pyramid on which you can build your company. At the base of the pyramid is the foundation of your business, that's reflected in your balance sheet, in your capitalisation table. Above that are the processes of your business. Those are reflected in your income statement and your cash flow statement. Above that is your business model and your business model formula. That's the engine of your business. We're going to talk about converting that into financial numbers. Then we'll talk about your operating budget and your long‑term financial forecast. And on top, we're going to talk about monitoring your performance. We'll talk about your monthly financial statements and about building a management dashboard.

          These tools help you understand what has happened in your company, what is currently happening in your company, and what you can expect will happen in your company going forward. And if you take full advantage of these tools, they can even give you an early warning system to make sure you see what's going to happen in your company before it happens. The world of entrepreneurship is really filled with uncertainty. Things are changing rapidly. So you need every tool that you can get to manage that uncertainty.

          As this is a US version of accounting, you may find the terminology is slightly different to what you come across in your country - but the contents remain valid anywhere in the world..

          Entrepreneurial selling (free)
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          Entrepreneurial selling

          Because nothing happens until something gets sold, entrepreneurs must develop the knowledge, skill and discipline necessary to succeed in sales or that early momentum may never materialise.

          Entrepreneurs face a lot of challenges. One of the first is selling. What's your initial target market? How do you find the first customers in that market? What do you say once you've found them? And how do you get them to buy what you have to offer, and then stay loyal over time?

          In this series, we explore a few of the critical skills and tools that entrepreneurs can use to succeed in selling. Our purpose is to help you become as efficient and effective as possible in the sales process, because you don't have a minute to waste.

          This course is based on the course of the same name from Kauffman Foundation and has been adjusted slightly for relevance to our students.

          EDHE Support: Pitching your venture
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          This short course is designed to support student entrepreneurs who are entering the EDHE Intervarsity 2021 competition. It is designed to help you develop and make an award-winning pitch.

          Even if you have THE very best idea, unless you are able to communicate the critical facts in a compelling way, you will not be among the prize winners. There will be some really stiff competition (just look at  some of the finalists from last year), so if you want to give you and your team the best shot of winning, you had better invest time in developing and practising a world-class pitch.

          This short program will help you do just that!

          Good luck!

          The Mashauri Team


          1. This program was designed for students from UWC, SMU and UJ; although any student entering the competition is welcome to use it.
          2. This program is not endorsed by EDHE and has been designed by Mashauri based on global best practices in pitching
          3. Course opens on Tuesday 11th May.
          4. You must be registered at Mashauri before you can be enrolled on the course. If. You are not yet registered, do so by going to the top  right hand corner of the home page (press the red Mashauri block at the top left of this page to get there) and click on sign up and follow the instructions to create a new account.
          5. You must be logged in to Mashauri to enrol on the course. Once logged in, return to this program and click on the big re button "Self-enrolment" below

          Readiness for funding
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          Readiness for funding

          Many founders would like to seek funding for their new businesses, but are not sure when is the best time.

          Other founders simply dive right in, assuming they will get funding and then, to their surprise, do not! 

          If you are in the first group or do not want to be in the second group - then this programme has been designed for you.


          Startup chatter is often about massive funding rounds, unicorns (startups with a valuation of more than $1bn) and mega exits. Founders are encouraged to enter pitching competitions, sign up at funding sites (like and knock down the doors of venture capitalists.

          The truth is, very few new businesses receive external funding (other than from friends, family and the occasional government grant). Sure, there are places like Silicon Valley and perhaps Shoreditch in London, where funding seems to be easier to obtain - but even there, there is stiff competition.

          The result is that a massive amount of time and effort is put into chasing investment funding - resources that might be better used in winning that most important of finance: customer revenue. That is not to say that you should not seek funding, but it helps to be realistic in your expectations and make sure that you are well-prepared for the journey.

          This programme is designed to help you assess:

          • whether your business would be likely to receive funding based on your vision of its' nature and future; and
          • whether your venture is ready for funding at the current stage of it's life. 

          Building off the result's of these assessments, then this programme will help you figure what you should be doing to get investment-ready; or at least advise you to not waste time on seeking investment and to focus on growing your business organically.


          The programme has been developed using adaptive learning techniques and therefore the curriculum is adapted for each programme attendee based on your inputs. However, the overall pathway takes you through a number of assessments as shown below:

          Funding assessment pathway

          The programme will run over four weeks and it is anticipated that around 4 to 6 hours per week will be required to undertake the activities. although the time will depend on each venture and their overall status.

          This programme has a number of unique features:
          • Your pathway is customised based on your responses and your specific requirements.
          • You will be able to interact with your fellow founders to optimise peer-to-peer learning and support
          • There will be real mentors supporting you through the process
          • If desired, investment-ready ventures may be introduced to appropriate investors.


          At the end of the programme you will have made an objective assessment of whether your venture is ready for funding. In the case of a "not ready", you will know what needs to be done to get you there.

          The benefits of this are:
          • You will enter all investor meetings on a slightly more equal footing with the investor, with greater confidence in your venture's value and fundability
          • Your investment-seeking process will be far more efficient and therefore less resource-intensive
          • You will reduce the risk of being rejected by an investor due to being under-prepared; especially as there is seldom a second chance at pitching the same investor
          • You will not waste effort on attempting a funding round when there is no or limited opportunities for success

          Start date and applications

          This program is now open to individuals and the next start date will be 15th November. The price is €95-00 per student but early subscribers receive 25% off.

          For further information or early subscription, please email us at with "Readiness for Funding" in the title of your mail.

          The E-Factor
          Individual Programs (click for more)

          There are few programs that have a high chance of massively changing your life - but this is one of them. By developing and enhancing your "e-factors" you will start thinking and acting like an entrepreneur ..- seeing opportunities on every corner, unleashing your creative potential, deciding where you want to be and then taking concrete steps to get there!

          Anyone and everyone can benefit from this course - including university students who are about to open the door to their career. With well-developed e-factors, you will have the capability to launch your own entrepreneurial venture, start to manage your own destiny and follow your true passion. But if you prefer a more traditional career, these elements are going to put you head and shoulders above the rest of the market. Employers are desperate for graduates who demonstrate the e-characteristics. 

          Universities who imbue their students with these skills are going to unleash a student power unknown to them before. Entrepreneur clubs are going to grow exponentially, your centers for entrepreneurship will need to expand and you will find students actively taking control of their studies and careers and starting to push and challenge their lecturers and tutors. Your reputation among potential employers could see your graduates getting hired in no time!

          E-factorThis course is based on the famous work of Professor David Gibson (awarded an OBE for his work in entrepreneurial education) who has identified the key factors that go to make up en entrepreneurial mindset. Not only did he identify them, he also codified a way of assessing your existing level and then undertaking exercises, processes and habits to improve them.

          These lessons have been digitised into an experiential program designed to give and/or enhance your e-factor skills and so help you make a real impact on your own career be it starting a new venture, improving your current venture or being more effective in your existing job.

          Furthermore, Mashauri have further enriched the book experience by adding in additional high value-add elements such as  video lectures from famous people, useful tools to support your application of the e-factors, quizzes to test your understanding and surveys to assist you in assessing your own entrepreneurial readiness and e-factor capabilities.

          Each of the e-factors will be discussed and a check-list of best-practices and tips to improve will be offered. Furthermore, you will be given tasks to complete (sometimes over a period of days) to help you learn-by-doing. Repetition of these exercises could create habits that could change your life! Real mentors (if you are lucky maybe David Gibson himself) will be available to motivate and guide you too!

          The E-factors are:

          • Innovation and creativity
          • Personal mastery
          • Assertion and negotiation
          • Personal marketing
          • Finance
          • Influence
          • Leadership and team building
          • Planning your outcome

          For those who successfully complete the course, the University of Cumbria will issue an e-factor certificate signed by Professor Gibson himself (not included in discounted products)


          Startup byte: Pricing and revenue models for startups
          Startup Bytes

          This is a Mashauri startup bytes course on pricing and revenue models for startups.

          It will give the participants

          • Knowledge of different pricing models and under what circumstances they best work
          • How to consider pricing from a strategic perspective and a tactical perspective
          • How to undertake a competitive pricing analysis
          • Hot to test the market acceptance through using pricing models

          As with all our programs, this is hands-on where you will receive tools and templates to use in your startup.

          This is a Mashauri micro credential course and all participants will receive a certificate on successful completion.

          Note: at present this course is still in development, but if you would like urgent access to the materials, please write to  with "Urgent: revenue models" in the title.

          Startup byte: market segmentation and beachhead market
          Startup Bytes

          This mini course has been designed to give the participant the tools and knowledge to undertake a market segmentation exercise. Following that, they will have the capability to develop a beachhead market to serve as their starting point to capture their first customer base.

          This is a Mashauri micro credential course and a certificate is awarded to all who successfully complete the course.

          NOTE: at present this course is in preparation mode. If you urgently need access to the materials, please write to with the phrase "Urgent segmentation" in the title.

          Startup byte: market research & problem validation aka customer discovery
          Startup Bytes

          This startup byte helps you to interview customers with the intention of validating or invalidating your hypotheses/assumptions.

          It covers: the customer discovery process, interviewing tips and techniques and a template to help you build a questionnaire and track results.

          Demo Incubator Program
          Demonstration Programs

          This is a demonstration course to allow interested institutions to find out a little more about how Mashauri operates at a course level.