NEOKUL :Goa Batch 1 Introduction
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
NEOKUL Program.

This is an introductory program to Mashauri for NEOKUL students.

What is NEOKUL? Let us give you a taste from their introduction to potential students:

"At Neokul, you will be just as inspired by the person sitting next to you as the person speaking to you. You will be joining a tribe of extraordinary individuals. And the best part is it’s not just attending one program. It’s joining a community of brilliant people who meet regularly and support each other in their journey to make an impact on the world."

Wits Innovation Forge Pilot
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
The Wits Innovation Forge Pilot program is the inaugural program of the Wits Innovation Centre's virtual incubator for early-stage founders. It is based on the Mashauri Problem Solution Incubator - see details below.

Entry is for Wits students or faculty and is by invitation only and anyone who has an interest in joining should contact Nic Cloete-Hopkins at

Problem Solution Validation Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
Mashauri's Problem-Solution Validator Incubator solves the problem that most entrepreneurs start with a venture idea or solution before they have understood the problem they are trying to solve and who faces it. This leads to likely venture failure or an extended venture development process further down the line.

Centria Startup Pro
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Centria University of Applied Technology is part of an EIT consortium: DEETECHTIVE. Within this project, they will incubate a number of student businesses to guide them from ideation through to a tested business model.

The program's objective is to support founders in advancing their venture development. It includes a comprehensive curriculum with lectures on essential entrepreneurial tasks, real-world case studies, entrepreneurial narratives, interactive quizzes, and assignments like creating a business model canvas. The program culminates in a live or virtual pitch to potential investors.

The hands-on training component involves targeted activities to train, demonstrate, and support entrepreneurs in specific steps of their venture development, guided by mentors. This training aims not to make entrepreneurs experts but to provide them with just-in-time information and tools for rapid venture progression. The program is grounded in a set of entrepreneurial competencies, ensuring the development of these skills in students. Performance is evaluated through various methods, including a before-and-after self-assessment.

The course outline is shown schematically below:


AI Venture Hack
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Artificial intelligence is not only facilitating our ability to create new ventures; it can also be a technology that underpins a new business. Mashauri has developed a program aimed at helping University students seize this opportunity and commence on an exciting journey to develop their own AI-based business venture while learning about the scientific approach to venture creation.

This is a 12-week virtual incubator program. Universities from all over the world will be offered the chance to participate and so their students will interact with peers from many other Universities. A high-level curriculum is shown below.

Link to webpage offering more detail and pricing

Are you a University and would like to learn more (including receiving a priced proposal)?
Click here

Are you a University student and would like to know more?
Click here

Key features of this program will be:

  • An exceptionally low cost per student price to the Universities with the scaleability to reach hundreds of students
  • A low resource requirement from the institution to launch and participate
  • Students will receive extremely engaging and high-quality, entrepreneurial education.
  • Students will initiate an AI-based venture while participating in the program
  • Participating Universities will be able to use these student numbers and venture launches as part of their KPIs

The process will be as follows:

  • Universities express an interest and we will supply you with further details and a proposal.
  • On reaching an agreement, the University will receive a launch pack including customisable marketing material and the enrolment process.
  • Universities market the program to selected students who then register directly on the program
  • Universities will be kept informed of their own student registrations as they occur
  • Universities will receive a weekly report updating them on student progress and leaderboard position vis vis other participants

Outline curriculum

Note: This draft curriculum will be refined as we co-create with other experts in the field and stay up to date with the latest available tools.

Module 1: The Scientific Approach to Launching a Business

  • Lean methodology: Emphasizing efficiency and iteration in business development.
  • Business model exploration: Understanding different frameworks to structure and validate your business idea.
  • Problem and customer focus: Identifying target customers and their pain points to drive product development.

Module 2: The Basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Introduction to AI: A beginner-friendly overview of what AI is and its applications.
  • AI concepts: Exploring key concepts like machine learning, neural networks, and algorithms.
  • AI's impact: Discussing how AI is transforming industries and creating new opportunities.

Module 3: No Code and Low Code AI Tools

  • No code tools: Exploring platforms that allow building AI solutions without programming.
  • Low code platforms: Understanding tools that streamline AI development with minimal coding.
  • Practical applications: Examples of projects where no code/low code AI tools can be applied.

Module 4: Defining the Problem You Wish to Solve

  • Crafting a problem statement: Formulating a clear and concise description of the issue you're addressing.
  • Customer identification: Identifying your target audience and their needs.
  • Problem intensity and early adopters: Evaluating the urgency of the problem and finding early supporters.

Module 5: Problem Validation and Customer Discovery

  • Customer discovery process: Learning techniques to gather insights directly from potential customers.
  • Market research: Understanding the competitive landscape and market demand.
  • Iterative feedback: Incorporating customer feedback to refine your problem-solution fit.

Module 6: Build, Brand, and Test an AI-Based Prototype

  • Prototype development: Creating a working model of your AI solution.
  • Branding and design: Enhancing the user experience and visual appeal of your prototype.
  • Testing and iteration: Gathering user feedback and refining the prototype based on results.

Module 7: Business Model Development

  • Business model overview: Introducing the concept of the Business Model Canvas.
  • Key components: Exploring the nine building blocks of the Business Model Canvas.
  • Value proposition: Understanding how your product or service addresses customer needs and stands out in the market.

Module 8: Pitching the Venture

  • Pitch essentials: Learning how to effectively communicate your business idea to potential stakeholders.
  • Presentation skills: Enhancing your ability to convey your vision confidently and persuasively.
  • Investor perspective: Understanding what investors look for in a compelling business pitch.

Mashauri Virtual Incubator Modus Operandi

Mashauri has been running its virtual incubators for almost a decade and has refined the model to achieve high engagement and completion rates. Key features are:

  • Education content is varied and engaging and includes interactivity such as quizzes
  • Gamification is built in to further stimulate interest and excitement
  • Student progress is tracked via traditional methods, and algorithms and supported by AI. Students at risk or contacted and encouraged individually.
  • Student efforts are roughly split 60:40 in terms of venture-building activities : entrepreneurial education
  • The program is interspersed with opportunities to network with fellow students through webinars and other peerr-to-peer activities
  • Our incubators are underpinned by MECFrame, our proprietary entrepreneurial competency framework
  • More than 2,000 students have passed through our programs in the last 5 years who proclaim the benefits, outcomes and enjoyment of our courses.
  • Although students are able to work independently through the program, the "sweet spot" is where the institution stays involves in the program and the student progress.

Ecoverse Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Discover the future of entrepreneurship: a lean and scientific approach

The University of Venda is hosting the Ecoverse Incubator: "where ideas and ventures take flight" 


Over the past decade, revolutionary and evidence-based methods for launching a business have emerged. Yet, many budding entrepreneurs, particularly among university students, remain in the dark about these low-risk pathways. They often set out on ventures that are riddled with pitfalls and potential failures. But here's the silver lining: it's never too late to pivot and embrace these cutting-edge strategies, significantly boosting your chances of success.

Introducing the University of Venda's Ecoverse Incubator program tailored for the ambitious student entrepreneur, whether you've already taken the plunge or are just kindling the flames of a fresh idea. Dive in, elevate your venture, and let's redefine the entrepreneurial journey together!


Students will dive into a hands-on learning experience, covering vital entrepreneurial insights and directly applying them to hone their business ideas:

  • Problem-Centric Thinking: Pivot from solutions to understanding the core problem.
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Grasp how entrepreneurial efforts can address societal challenges.
  • Lean Startup Methodology: Streamline your venture's inception process.
  • Embracing Failure: Comprehend failure's nature and how to harness it constructively.
  • Crafting a Problem Vision Statement: Define and articulate your mission.
  • Design Thinking: Employ a user-centric approach to ideation and solution crafting.
  • Customer Profiling: Identify your target audience, understand their needs, and strategise solutions.
  • The Comprehensive Framework: Seamlessly integrate problem, solution, customer, and transformation.
  • Pitch Mastery: Articulate your idea persuasively and compellingly.

Embark on a transformative journey to refine, develop, and pitch your entrepreneurial vision!

Modus operandi

Dive Deep into Our Online Learning Experience on the Mashauri Platform

  • Program Duration: Mark your calendars! The journey begins on 4th September and culminates on 13th October, 2023
  • Flexibility at Its Best: Being fully online, you have the liberty to engage with the content at your convenience. However, following our recommended schedule optimizes your chances for a successful completion.
  • Commitment Estimation: Allocate 4 to 5 hours weekly. This includes engaging with videos, articles, quizzes, and tackling assignments.
  • Self-Evaluation and Mentorship: While we guide you to appraise your work independently, a seasoned mentor is just a click away, ready to offer support when needed.

Embark on a structured yet flexible learning experience designed for your success!

Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg Technology Transfer Office continues to support their top entrepreneurs with their latest program: UZIMA!

UZIMA: Swahili for "life"!

This program is designed to help a cohort of ventures move from early business model to being ready for funding and/or having paying customers.

It is very practically focussed and includes areas such as:

  • Company and domain registration
  • Power networking
  • Funding and finance
  • Social media and advertising
  • Banking
  • Negotiation
  • Co-founders, equity sharing and cap tables

There will be a range of real entrepreneurs and subject matter experts giving 'fireside chats" and all entrepreneurs will be mentored by an individual mentor.

This program is by invitation only.

For further information, contact with UZIMA in the subject matter.

UJ TTO Starting Up
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

University of Johannesburg Technology Transfer Office provide a virtual mini incubator that will help you develop and refine your “problem-to-solve”. This is one of the most critical steps in starting a business. Doing this well will greatly increase your chances of successfully starting a business.

UJ TTO FastForward 2021
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg's Technology Transfer Office support innovators in the commercial implementation of novel technologies or business processes. One of their important initiatives is an Incubation and Acceleration program for both students and staff of the University who are engaged in innovation.

They support the incubatees in a number of ways - one of which is to offer them best practice tools and training in the key stages of venture development. This program: Fast-Forward is for the venture team who have demonstrated some evidence of a demand with perhaps some early traction. The founders are looking to confirm their value proposition, define a business model and test the key elements of such

This program provides education, tools, examples and development support for a number of critical steps in the venture development process.

SMU Stage 1Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) have launched a 3 stage entrepreneurial development program to support students and faculty in launching a new business venture.

Stage 1: entrepreneur basics and idea pitching.

A 3 week "mini-incubator" competition where students receive some foundational entrepreneurial education and with the use of tools, are guided through developing their competition entry that culminates in a pitching competition. 

All applicants receive some exposure to entrepreneurship and the top 30 (based on idea, engagement and pitch) are selected to enter stage 2.

Stage 2: entrepreneurial immersion bootcamp

This activity-based process takes students through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas.  The core of the program is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and culminating in a pitch event.

The top 20 are selected to enter the virtual incubator.

Stage 3: 8 week virtual incubator

This is a virtual incubator that supports cohorts of students (individuals or groups) in designing and building new business ventures. Learning content and competency development are synchronised with project management and mentor support. Online  independent activity is boosted by network events such as webinars, peer-to-peer group and mentor support.

Applications closed. Program underway.

SMU Stage 2: Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) have launched a 3 stage entrepreneurial development program to support students and faculty in launching a new business venture.

Stage 1: entrepreneur basics and idea pitching.
A 3 week "mini-incubator" competition where students receive some foundational entrepreneurial education and with the use of tools, are guided through developing their competition entry that culminates in a pitching competition.

All applicants receive some exposure to entrepreneurship and the top 30 (based on idea, engagement and pitch) are selected to enter stage 2.

Stage 2: entrepreneurial immersion bootcamp
This activity-based process takes students through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas. The core of the program is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and culminating in a pitch event.

The top 20 are selected to enter the virtual incubator.

Stage 3: 8 week virtual incubator
This is a virtual incubator that supports cohorts of students (individuals or groups) in designing and building new business ventures. Learning content and competency development are synchronised with project management and mentor support. Online independent activity is boosted by network events such as webinars, peer-to-peer group and mentor support.

Applications closed. Program underway.

SMU Stage 3 Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) have launched a 3 stage entrepreneurial development program to support students and faculty in launching a new business venture.

Stage 1: entrepreneur basics and idea pitching.

A 3 week "mini-incubator" competition where students receive some foundational entrepreneurial education and with the use of tools, are guided through developing their competition entry that culminates in a pitching competition. 

All applicants receive some exposure to entrepreneurship and the top 30 (based on idea, engagement and pitch) are selected to enter stage 2.

Stage 2: entrepreneurial immersion bootcamp

This activity-based process takes students through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience designed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset - and to develop the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ideas.  The core of the program is a highly interactive, group-based venture development process supported by exposure to entrepreneurs and culminating in a pitch event.

The top 20 are selected to enter the virtual incubator.

Stage 3: 8 week virtual incubator

This is a virtual incubator that supports cohorts of students (individuals or groups) in designing and building new business ventures. Learning content and competency development are synchronised with project management and mentor support. Online  independent activity is boosted by network events such as webinars, peer-to-peer group and mentor support.

Applications closed. Program underway.

UWC Startup Sprint 2021
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The UWC Startup Sprint is a virtual incubator aimed at helping student entrepreneurs take an already-developed idea and bring it to life.

The entrepreneurs will work through a proven scientific startup process and supported with tools, webinars, mentors, templates and dashboards as they accelerate their idea towards paying customers.

Applications are now closed and selection is underway.

CEU San Pablo Winter School
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

Is this course for you?

Many people think about starting their own business and even have an idea they have been considering - but just never get around to starting it. 

Are you one of those people? Or would you like to join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs who create value by bringing their idea to life?

If you would like to be in the latter group and you wish to bring your idea to life, then this course is for you.

Objectives of programme

  • To expose you to entrepreneurship 
  • To assist in refining your business idea to increase your probability of success
  • To help you clearly define the problem you are solving
  • To guide you in clarity around your target market
  • To help you construct a clear value proposition


Entrepreneur mindset

    • Understanding what is entrepreneurship
    • The benefits and risks of entrepreneurship
    • Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
    • A questionnaire-based assessment of your entrepreneurial competencies
    • Introduction to The Golden Circle
Idea development

    • Idea clarification
    • The problem you are solving
    • Development of the problem vision statement
    • Target market and personas
    • Initial competitor analysis
    • Value proposition development
    • Value proposition testing
    • Value proposition pitch development

Modus operandi

Each exercise will be preceded by an introduction to the concept in the form of an online lesson. The practical exercises will be posed by way of an assignment to complete. All assignments will be supported  by templates to allow you to efficiently conduct the exercise.

A question and answer forum will be provided that will allow you to ask questions of your colleagues and/or the professor running the course.

Timing and duration

The programme will run from 22nd January to 29th January and will be hosted on online (on Mashauri: an international entrepreneurial education platform). It is anticipated that you will require 20 hours to complete the course: 5 of which will be in the form of instruction and the balance in practical exercises in developing and refining your idea.

As this is an online programme, you will be able to complete it at your own pace although you must finish all the work by the deadline. There will be a suggested schedule and you will be reminded if you fall behind that schedule.

Support and evaluation

You will be evaluated on the basis of correct submission of all the assignments as well as a final quiz (which will be repeatable if you do not at first receive a passing grade.


The student needs no prior knowledge of entrepreneurship but must have a business idea that they wish to investigate. They will need to have a basic understanding of Google tools (sheets, docs and slides) and a Google account (which is free and quick to set up).

Access to the internet and a laptop or desktop computer will be necessary to complete the assignments.

Course instructor

The instructor will be Professor Simon Gifford who is CEO of Mashauri. He is an entrepreneur who has founded a number of companies (including Mashauri) and acts as an advisor to a number of startups and scale-ups. , He currently also lectures at IE Business School in Madrid and has a rich background of giving strategy support to large companies all around the globe..


Mashauri is a UK based organisation that provides an entrepreneurial education platform to universities and other institutions in Europe, Africa and India. The platform uses best practice from modern entrepreneurial thinking (such as lean startup) as well as advanced digital teaching methodologies including gamification and flipped-classroom techniques.

The organisation has a vision that all university graduates should be offered the opportunity to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. More details of this is given n the "what we do" and "why we do it"  sections at the top of this page.


The course is free to all users.

Food Scientist Venture Accelerator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The Food Science Venture Accelerator has been designed to support students who graduated from the EIT Food GFVP Summer School in June 2019 and wished to continue developing a business idea. The programme design is based on what the students said they wanted in a survey following the event. Only those students who completed the survey will be enrolled on this programme.

It is aimed at supporting both those who wished to continue with the idea they started in the School and those who wished to pursue a new idea. It is anticipated that this programme will act as a bridge between the ending of the School and a number of other activities that EIT Food are launching including a mentoring programme and the Lausanne workshop. Furthermore, this will be useful to those students who are not selected by EIT Food to partake in these events but still wish to pursue an entrepreneurial idea.

The COVID-19 Virtual Incubator
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

This virtual incubator has been designed for the winners of the Mashauri COVID-19 Idea Competition to develop their ideas further and to begin to further test and build out their ventures.

UJ: Switch-on program
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg's Technology Transfer Office support innovators in the commercial implementation of novel technologies or business processes. One of their important initiatives is an Incubation and Acceleration program for both students and staff of the University who are engaged in innovation.

They support the incubatees in a number of ways - one of which is to offer them best practice tools and training in the key stages of venture development. This program: Switch-On is the venture team that is still refining their ideas, getting to grips with the problems they are solving and getting to an understanding of their potential customer base.

This program provides education, tools, examples and development support for a number of critical steps in the venture development process. The program will continually be refined and updated, but the initial modules are detailed in the table below:

The program is open to all registered in the incubator program and other student startups approved by the UJ Technology Transfer Office.

For more information on access to the program contact:

Simon Gifford (Mashauri) at; or

Vuyisile Phehane (UJ TTO), at

UJ: Fast Forward Program
Virtual Incubators (click for more)

The University of Johannesburg's Technology Transfer Office support innovators in the commercial implementation of novel technologies or business processes. One of their important initiatives is an Incubation and Acceleration program for both students and staff of the University who are engaged in innovation.

They support the incubatees in a number of ways - one of which is to offer them best practice tools and training in the key stages of venture development. This program: Fast-Forward is for the venture team who have demonstrated some evidence of a demand with perhaps some early traction. The founders are looking to confirm their value proposition, define a business model and test the key elements of such

This program provides education, tools, examples and development support for a number of critical steps in the venture development process. The program will continually be refined and updated, but the initial modules are detailed in the table below:

The program is open to all registered in the incubator program. 

For more information on access to the program contact:

Simon Gifford (Mashauri) at; or

Vuyisile Phehane (UJ TTO) at