Design Thinking and Product Management Open Course
Individual Programs (click for more)

Design thinking and product management

A complete guide to design thinking.

Introducing you to the world of design thinking, from conceptualising an idea using  design thinking to develop the first version of your product,


What you will learn

  • What is design thinking and how it is used
  • What are the benefits and challenges in using design thinking
  • What are the key steps in the process and how do you undertake them
  • How to use design-thinking in product management through every stage of the product life-cycle
As with all Mashauri programs, this one is highly experiential and you will learn by dong. This also means you will walk away form the course as a design-thinking practitioner with a toolbox of techniques, templates, processes and guides.

All successful students will also receive a certificate.

Who is this for

The program will be incredibly useful for anyone who wants to understand what is design thinking and how to put it into practise. 

In particular, it will serve:

  1. Those interested in a career in product management
  2. Entrepreneurs (early stage or late stage)
  3. Intrapreneurs wishing to make an impact on their organisation through innovation
  4. University students looking for a life-skill to help them in problem-solving and decision making (and to give their resume a boost)
  5. Anyone seeking to unlock their own creativity in a structured manner

The outline syllabus

  1. Design thinking - an introduction and overview
  2. The design-thinking process - deep dive into the 5 steps including a free set of insanely useful tools, processes and techniques.
  3. Design thinking - product development and cases
  4. Design thinking - final assignment

Application modes

Application is open to two categories of student

  1. Open to individuals
  2. Open to Belong students
The methods of enrolment of the two categories are explained below. Note: you must be registered on Mashauri before you can enrol (both categories).

Application open to all individuals (by payment):

The fee is US $49.99 to undertake the course, including the certification.

Step 1: you need to register at Mashauri (see menu in top right hand corner)

Step 2: after registration, return to this program and click the "Pay now via PayPal or Credit or Debit Card" button.

Step 3: if you have a PayPal account you can pay via PayPal. If not, click on the "Pay with a Bank Account or Credit Card" button. Then you will be taken to a payment page where you can pay by card and/or direct debit. You will be offered the chance to open a PayPal account, but it is not obligatory or necessary.

Step 4: once you have paid, you will receive confirmation of payment and be given immediate access to the program.

Startup Boards (free) - create & manage
Individual Programs (click for more)

Asvisory board

This series on “Start a Board” is going to talk to you about why you would create a board, how you create a board, what a board does, how to deal with challenges and conflicts that come up in the context of the board, and overall, how to build and develop a powerful board that can help you and your company grow and thrive.

This programme is open and free for any registered Mashauri user - simply signup at the top right hand corner (or press "continue" below).

The Art of Startup Finance (Free)
Individual Programs (click for more)

Startup finance

Finance is about more than just money and numbers.

If you are starting your own business and feel your team lacks the necessary financial skills than this is a perfect course for you to get to grips with financial issues, budgeting and forecasting. In about 12 hours, you will become familiar with things like income statements, balance sheets, cash flows and key performance indicators. At a later stage you will still require financial assistance from a qualified accountant, but this course will help you through the early phases before such input becomes necessary.

The tools we're going to talk about are going to help you manage the business that you're running from day‑to‑day. And most importantly, they'll help you get into the future and build an even more successful company. The five key elements of startup finance form a pyramid on which you can build your company. At the base of the pyramid is the foundation of your business, that's reflected in your balance sheet, in your capitalisation table. Above that are the processes of your business. Those are reflected in your income statement and your cash flow statement. Above that is your business model and your business model formula. That's the engine of your business. We're going to talk about converting that into financial numbers. Then we'll talk about your operating budget and your long‑term financial forecast. And on top, we're going to talk about monitoring your performance. We'll talk about your monthly financial statements and about building a management dashboard.

These tools help you understand what has happened in your company, what is currently happening in your company, and what you can expect will happen in your company going forward. And if you take full advantage of these tools, they can even give you an early warning system to make sure you see what's going to happen in your company before it happens. The world of entrepreneurship is really filled with uncertainty. Things are changing rapidly. So you need every tool that you can get to manage that uncertainty.

As this is a US version of accounting, you may find the terminology is slightly different to what you come across in your country - but the contents remain valid anywhere in the world..

Entrepreneurial selling (free)
Individual Programs (click for more)

Entrepreneurial selling

Because nothing happens until something gets sold, entrepreneurs must develop the knowledge, skill and discipline necessary to succeed in sales or that early momentum may never materialise.

Entrepreneurs face a lot of challenges. One of the first is selling. What's your initial target market? How do you find the first customers in that market? What do you say once you've found them? And how do you get them to buy what you have to offer, and then stay loyal over time?

In this series, we explore a few of the critical skills and tools that entrepreneurs can use to succeed in selling. Our purpose is to help you become as efficient and effective as possible in the sales process, because you don't have a minute to waste.

This course is based on the course of the same name from Kauffman Foundation and has been adjusted slightly for relevance to our students.

EDHE Support: Pitching your venture
Individual Programs (click for more)

This short course is designed to support student entrepreneurs who are entering the EDHE Intervarsity 2021 competition. It is designed to help you develop and make an award-winning pitch.

Even if you have THE very best idea, unless you are able to communicate the critical facts in a compelling way, you will not be among the prize winners. There will be some really stiff competition (just look at  some of the finalists from last year), so if you want to give you and your team the best shot of winning, you had better invest time in developing and practising a world-class pitch.

This short program will help you do just that!

Good luck!

The Mashauri Team


  1. This program was designed for students from UWC, SMU and UJ; although any student entering the competition is welcome to use it.
  2. This program is not endorsed by EDHE and has been designed by Mashauri based on global best practices in pitching
  3. Course opens on Tuesday 11th May.
  4. You must be registered at Mashauri before you can be enrolled on the course. If. You are not yet registered, do so by going to the top  right hand corner of the home page (press the red Mashauri block at the top left of this page to get there) and click on sign up and follow the instructions to create a new account.
  5. You must be logged in to Mashauri to enrol on the course. Once logged in, return to this program and click on the big re button "Self-enrolment" below

Readiness for funding
Individual Programs (click for more)

Readiness for funding

Many founders would like to seek funding for their new businesses, but are not sure when is the best time.

Other founders simply dive right in, assuming they will get funding and then, to their surprise, do not! 

If you are in the first group or do not want to be in the second group - then this programme has been designed for you.


Startup chatter is often about massive funding rounds, unicorns (startups with a valuation of more than $1bn) and mega exits. Founders are encouraged to enter pitching competitions, sign up at funding sites (like and knock down the doors of venture capitalists.

The truth is, very few new businesses receive external funding (other than from friends, family and the occasional government grant). Sure, there are places like Silicon Valley and perhaps Shoreditch in London, where funding seems to be easier to obtain - but even there, there is stiff competition.

The result is that a massive amount of time and effort is put into chasing investment funding - resources that might be better used in winning that most important of finance: customer revenue. That is not to say that you should not seek funding, but it helps to be realistic in your expectations and make sure that you are well-prepared for the journey.

This programme is designed to help you assess:

  • whether your business would be likely to receive funding based on your vision of its' nature and future; and
  • whether your venture is ready for funding at the current stage of it's life. 

Building off the result's of these assessments, then this programme will help you figure what you should be doing to get investment-ready; or at least advise you to not waste time on seeking investment and to focus on growing your business organically.


The programme has been developed using adaptive learning techniques and therefore the curriculum is adapted for each programme attendee based on your inputs. However, the overall pathway takes you through a number of assessments as shown below:

Funding assessment pathway

The programme will run over four weeks and it is anticipated that around 4 to 6 hours per week will be required to undertake the activities. although the time will depend on each venture and their overall status.

This programme has a number of unique features:
  • Your pathway is customised based on your responses and your specific requirements.
  • You will be able to interact with your fellow founders to optimise peer-to-peer learning and support
  • There will be real mentors supporting you through the process
  • If desired, investment-ready ventures may be introduced to appropriate investors.


At the end of the programme you will have made an objective assessment of whether your venture is ready for funding. In the case of a "not ready", you will know what needs to be done to get you there.

The benefits of this are:
  • You will enter all investor meetings on a slightly more equal footing with the investor, with greater confidence in your venture's value and fundability
  • Your investment-seeking process will be far more efficient and therefore less resource-intensive
  • You will reduce the risk of being rejected by an investor due to being under-prepared; especially as there is seldom a second chance at pitching the same investor
  • You will not waste effort on attempting a funding round when there is no or limited opportunities for success

Start date and applications

This program is now open to individuals and the next start date will be 15th November. The price is €95-00 per student but early subscribers receive 25% off.

For further information or early subscription, please email us at with "Readiness for Funding" in the title of your mail.

The E-Factor
Individual Programs (click for more)

There are few programs that have a high chance of massively changing your life - but this is one of them. By developing and enhancing your "e-factors" you will start thinking and acting like an entrepreneur ..- seeing opportunities on every corner, unleashing your creative potential, deciding where you want to be and then taking concrete steps to get there!

Anyone and everyone can benefit from this course - including university students who are about to open the door to their career. With well-developed e-factors, you will have the capability to launch your own entrepreneurial venture, start to manage your own destiny and follow your true passion. But if you prefer a more traditional career, these elements are going to put you head and shoulders above the rest of the market. Employers are desperate for graduates who demonstrate the e-characteristics. 

Universities who imbue their students with these skills are going to unleash a student power unknown to them before. Entrepreneur clubs are going to grow exponentially, your centers for entrepreneurship will need to expand and you will find students actively taking control of their studies and careers and starting to push and challenge their lecturers and tutors. Your reputation among potential employers could see your graduates getting hired in no time!

E-factorThis course is based on the famous work of Professor David Gibson (awarded an OBE for his work in entrepreneurial education) who has identified the key factors that go to make up en entrepreneurial mindset. Not only did he identify them, he also codified a way of assessing your existing level and then undertaking exercises, processes and habits to improve them.

These lessons have been digitised into an experiential program designed to give and/or enhance your e-factor skills and so help you make a real impact on your own career be it starting a new venture, improving your current venture or being more effective in your existing job.

Furthermore, Mashauri have further enriched the book experience by adding in additional high value-add elements such as  video lectures from famous people, useful tools to support your application of the e-factors, quizzes to test your understanding and surveys to assist you in assessing your own entrepreneurial readiness and e-factor capabilities.

Each of the e-factors will be discussed and a check-list of best-practices and tips to improve will be offered. Furthermore, you will be given tasks to complete (sometimes over a period of days) to help you learn-by-doing. Repetition of these exercises could create habits that could change your life! Real mentors (if you are lucky maybe David Gibson himself) will be available to motivate and guide you too!

The E-factors are:

  • Innovation and creativity
  • Personal mastery
  • Assertion and negotiation
  • Personal marketing
  • Finance
  • Influence
  • Leadership and team building
  • Planning your outcome

For those who successfully complete the course, the University of Cumbria will issue an e-factor certificate signed by Professor Gibson himself (not included in discounted products)