Startup byte: Pricing and revenue models for startups
Startup Bytes

This is a Mashauri startup bytes course on pricing and revenue models for startups.

It will give the participants

  • Knowledge of different pricing models and under what circumstances they best work
  • How to consider pricing from a strategic perspective and a tactical perspective
  • How to undertake a competitive pricing analysis
  • Hot to test the market acceptance through using pricing models

As with all our programs, this is hands-on where you will receive tools and templates to use in your startup.

This is a Mashauri micro credential course and all participants will receive a certificate on successful completion.

Note: at present this course is still in development, but if you would like urgent access to the materials, please write to  with "Urgent: revenue models" in the title.

Startup byte: market segmentation and beachhead market
Startup Bytes

This mini course has been designed to give the participant the tools and knowledge to undertake a market segmentation exercise. Following that, they will have the capability to develop a beachhead market to serve as their starting point to capture their first customer base.

This is a Mashauri micro credential course and a certificate is awarded to all who successfully complete the course.

NOTE: at present this course is in preparation mode. If you urgently need access to the materials, please write to with the phrase "Urgent segmentation" in the title.

Startup byte: market research & problem validation aka customer discovery
Startup Bytes

This startup byte helps you to interview customers with the intention of validating or invalidating your hypotheses/assumptions.

It covers: the customer discovery process, interviewing tips and techniques and a template to help you build a questionnaire and track results.